Seminare Vorträge

Next Level Beekeeping. Artgerecht Imkern. Vorträge, Webinare, Imkerpraxis, Booklets

February 2022: Our seminars start. Lectures now available online or live on site!

Page in progress.

  • Learn OPTIMAL sustainable beekeeping with our Next Level Beekeeping lectures and beekeeping courses!
  • Species-appropriate, natural, sustainable and bee-friendly beekeeping without "organic" acids!
  • In the form of webinars and on-site beekeeping practice
  • Generate more quality in bee products and more success in beekeeping
  • Theoretical and practical knowledge of sustainable OPTIMAL quality beekeeping and efficient beekeeping according to OPTIMAL standards: chemical-free, species-appropriate, sustainable beekeeping and producing strong, healthy colonies
  • Based on international, historical and regional beekeeping knowledge in theory and practice
  • Support and training of beekeepers with bee losses due to bad weather, Varroa, bee diseases
  • Learn Perma-Cultivation
  • Learn OPTIMAL quality honey beekeeping
  • Licensing and branding, support in marketing your sustainable bee products
  • Accompanying booklets OPTIMAL Compact Print and as upload! Coming soon here and on Amazon

Basis-Webeenare Next Level Beekeeping Artgerecht Imkern

Lectures on species-appropriate, sustainable and natural beekeeping, nature conservation and greening

Vorträge zu #Nachhaltigkeit #Bio-Imkern #Artgerecht Imkern, #Bienensterben, #Bestäubungsleistung #Landwirtschaft #Beutenphysik #Honig zur Heilung #Varroa #Schwarm-Imkerei

Personal advice, support and coaching

Persönliche Beratung

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