The Flemish Bee Institute VBI Belgium has extensively studied species-appropriate bee habitats and also the OPTIMAL climate-functional hive. Here are interviews with Erik Goris VBI Belgium and Beatrice Rieder MA CEO OPTIMAL BEES on the subject of bee health and bee-friendly habitats.
An exciting interview with Chris. Er wurde auf der Iker-Messe Dänemark gebeten, unsere Beuten und deren Funktionsweise zu erläutern. Denmark's Beekeepers Association published the video on Facebook. Chris speaks Danish here.
Text to the video on Facebook:
Who were the inspiring exhibitors at this year's Beekeeping Conference?
One of the innovative exhibitors was Christoph Bloch, who is behind it OptimalBees. Optimal Bees makes climate function beehives, which are built according to old principles but with fine adjustments all around.
Christoph said that Jørn Tønder's honey, which won the DM in honey 2022, was made in an Optimal Bees hive... and then Queen Margrethe herself has a hive from there...
Our exhibition clip
for Expo 2020 in Dubai.
The right frame size - does it exist? The ideal frame size as part of species-appropriate, natural beekeeping meets the needs of the bees as closely as possible. In our research in scientific studies and in museums, we have gathered important information and hope that this clip will help you a little with your decision.
Expo 2020 Dubai Ecological Sustainable Beekeeping OPTIMAL BEES Climate Hive Information Clip
Here is our fair film 2020!
With Chris at the German Bee Museum Weimar!
Today we are measuring the well-insulated hives of our beekeeping ancestors at the German Bee Museum in Weimar/Germany.
The designers, Pastor Gerstung and others, were aware of how important good insulation is for their valuable bee colonies.
Many thanks to
German Bee Museum Weimar for the permission to measure the original hives and for filming permission!